Office de Tourisme Grand Reims - Site centre-ville

General information
__Établissement Office de Tourisme Grand Reims - Site centre-ville
__Activités Tourist office
Address 6 rue Rockefeller
51100   Reims
Marne, Grand Est
Contact +33 3 26 77 45 00
Référent Mme ZIATA Yamina
+33 3 26 77 45 00
Correspondant Tourisme & Handicap Mme ZIATA Yamina
Marques Attribuées Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Auditif, Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Mental, Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Moteur, Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Visuel
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Auditif
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Mental
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Moteur
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Visuel Autres Marques et Labels
Autres Marques et Labels
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description in French  At « Reims Tourisme et Congrès », certified « Tourisme et Handicaps », we do our best to welcome you and give you the best advice to get around and discover our city.
Reims, a 2000-year-old city, part of the History of France, and that is History with a capital H: the baptism of Clovis at the end of the 5th century, the crowning of 33 French kings and more recently, the signature of the German surrender on 7 May 1945 and the Franco-German Reconciliation on 8 July 1962.
Reims, twice distinguished by UNESCO, first in 1991 for the Notre-Dame cathedral and the former Saint-Remi Benedictine abbey and later in 2015 for “Champagne Hillsides, Domains and Cellars”.
Reims, its vineyard and its wine, the most famous in the world, the wine of celebrations, “the wine of kings, king of wines”.
Our team of advisors will help you organize your stay. Come and see us, or for a customized service, you can make an appointment by phone, + 33 (0)3 26 77 45 00 or on our Facebook page
Published in 2023, a guide informing about the accessibility of cultural sites (in French “Accessibilité des lieux culturels de la Marne”) is quite the tool for all disabled visitors and the ones who accompany them.
Some associations in Reims like “Le Regard au bout des doigts” (sight at the tip of your fingers) and L’Œil Sonore (the audible eye) are very active regarding the cultural life. Namely, they are at the origin of the project « L’Œil Sonore de la cathédrale » (“The audible eye of the cathedral”), a tour of the cathedral for the visually impaired and blind people. They also organize audio-described tours.
Information on public transport for Reims and surroundings:
As regards parking, there are many spaces dedicated to disabled people. Parking is free on all these spaces but also on all of the on-street public spaces.!/category/851829
Enjoy your stay in the City of Coronations!

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