La Grotte de Domme

General information
__Établissement La Grotte de Domme
__Activités Lieu de visite
Address Place de la Halle
24250   Domme
Dordogne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Contact +33 5 53 31 71 00
Référent Mme BOUTET Virginie
+33 5 53 31 71 00
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
  Give your opinion

description in French  Can you imagine what is hidden in the heart of the old bastide town of Domme? A magnificent cave with concretions! Definitely a must-see underground gem 100% natural. Restored in 2021, Its path was redesigned, fitted with a fabulous modern lighting respectful of the environment. Be amazed how the natural beauty of the 450 meters of gallery was enhanced. New sequence of various atmospheres (the water pool danses and the drapes are translucent) . You're in for a real magic and emotional time.

Pictures of the establishment
__Image de présentation de l'établissement La Grotte de Domme — qt225526_2022-09-30-07-07-51.jpg

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