Les Deux Plages

General information
__Établissement Les Deux Plages
__Activités Camping site
Address 41 avenue des Acacias
17420   Saint-Palais-sur-Mer
Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Website http://www.campingdes2plages.fr/
Contact +33 5 46 23 11 42
Référent Mme HERAULT Daniela
+33 5 46 23 11 42
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
__Image de présentation du partenaire Charentes Tourisme Charentes Tourisme
  Give your opinion

description in French  The campsite is located in the center of Saint-Palais-Sur-Mer, 600m from the beach, near Royan and La Palmyre, close to the beach of the Grande Côté, the Des 2 Plages campsite, classified 4 stars in 2022 and approved QUALITY TOURISM in 2022, is happy to welcome you in its three hectares park by the sea. In camping pitch or mobile home rental come and rest and forget your car.

Pictures of the establishment

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