General information
__Établissement LA TABLE D'AIME
__Activités Restaurant
Address 4,rue Francisco Ferrer
66600   Rivesaltes
Pyrénées-Orientales, Occitanie
Contact +33 4 68 34 35 77
Référent Mr ou Mme COLOMBIER Sébastien Sébastien
+33 4 68 34 35 77
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
__Image de présentation du partenaire Qualité Tourisme Occitanie Sud de France Qualité Tourisme Occitanie Sud de France
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description in French  It was in tribute to Aimé CAZES, founder of the Domaine, and father of André and Bernard, that this restaurant, located in the heart of the Maison CAZES, naturally found its name.Concerned to serve a cuisine made with quality products and respectful of the environment, Lionel Lavail, Director of the Maison CAZES and Chef Sébastien Colombier imagined a restaurant where the menus are composed of a majority of ?Bio? products.Rediscover the taste for good food in simple cooking that respects products, that is the challenge of La Table d?Aimé.You can allow yourself to be tempted all year long by quality dishes that divinely accompany our entire selection of wines.Our menus change daily according to the opportunities provided by the market and the inspiration of the chef.Every Tuesday in the summer season, enjoy our celebrated musical evenings!

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