La Cité du Vin

General information
__Établissement La Cité du Vin
__Activités Place of interest
Address 1 esplanade de Pontac
33200   Bordeaux
Gironde, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Contact +33 5 56 16 20 20
Référent Mme MARCHADOUR Karine
+33 5 56 16 20 20
Marques Attribuées Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Auditif, Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Mental, Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Moteur, Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Visuel
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Auditif
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Mental
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Moteur
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Visuel
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description in French  Located in Bordeaux, the Cité du Vin is a cultural venue, unique in the world, where wine is presented in its cultural, civilisational, heritage and universal dimensions. The 4th most visited museum outside the Île-de-France region, the Cité du Vin showcases vineyards from around the world through a permanent exhibition, temporary exhibitions, tasting workshops and a wide range of online content on its website. Managed and developed by the Foundation for Wine Culture and Civilisations, certified “NF environment - Visitor sites” and with the Tourisme & Handicap label, the Cité du Vin is accessible to the widest audience. A spectacular journey around the world, across the ages, in all cultures!

Pictures of the establishment

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