General information
__Établissement GOUFFRE de PROUMEYSSAC
__Activités Lieu de visite
Address Route de Proumeyssac
24260   Audrix
Dordogne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Website https://www.gouffre-proumeyssac.com/
Contact +33 5 53 07 27 47
Correspondant Qualité Tourisme Mme BELLOCQ Alice
+33 5 53 07 27 47
Référent Mme BELLOCQ Alice
+33 5 53 07 27 47
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
  Give your opinion

description in French  The Gouffre de Proumeyssac, called the Cathedral of Crystal, because of its immense underground domed chasm, containing thousands of stalactites and stalagmites has been transformed into a Cathedral of Lights.

The latest in lighting technology has been used to create two new carefully crafted son et lumière shows, so the visitor can appreciate the full majesty of this natural gem.

Visitors will find this new and unique visit, breath-taking.

There is an option to descend in a basket, just as explorers did in the last century, giving an original and extraordinary way to experience the Gouffre. (11 people max)

There is a huge area above ground which is free to visitors and where you can discover more about the world beneath your feet in a fun way.

Pictures of the establishment
__Image de présentation de l'établissement GOUFFRE de PROUMEYSSAC — qt140170_2020-07-07-17-03-29.jpg

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