Zanzibar Restaurant

General information
__Établissement Zanzibar Restaurant
__Activités Restaurant
Address 11 Boulevard Allègre Front de mer - Plage du bourg
74200   Marin
Martinique, Martinique
Contact +33 5 96 74 08 46
Correspondant Qualité Tourisme Mme MARTIN Laure
+33 5 96 74 08 46
Référent Mme MARTIN Laure
+33 5 96 74 08 46
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
  Give your opinion

description in French  Zanzibar Restaurant is one of the reference tables of the South Caribbean, for its cuisine as for the atmosphere that reigns there.
For five years, the whole team has been evolving the concept towards the best. Convivial and atypical, Zanzibar Restaurant is a place of meeting and exchange.
Dream decoration, contemporary and romantic, in an authentic creole house facing the sea, Zanzibar Restaurant is close to the Marin marina and the local market. In a cosmopolitan atmosphere, cozy and refined, we come to share a meal with friends, a romantic dinner or a cocktail flipping through a travel book.
We love the terraces with sea views, the comfortable sofas and chaise lounges, the tasteful furniture, revisited with pretty design chairs. White linen tablecloths, elegant tableware, soft tones: every detail is neat. It feels so good at Zanzibar Restaurant that sometimes the evenings are prolonged.
The welcome is really nice, the team friendly and professional, always smiling, ready to guide the customer in his choice.
In the kitchen, the evolution continues with young talents coming to join the chef. The fusion of their personalities brings a new breath into the plates.
The chef gets fresh fish and seafood from Michaël, Laurent or Olivier, the local fishermen. With the same concern for quality, he selects the best meats, spices and vegetables that he works with.
All products are fresh and homemade compositions.

Pictures of the establishment

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