Aquarium de Biarritz

General information
__Établissement Aquarium de Biarritz
__Activités Lieu de visite
Address Plateau Atalaye
64200   Biarritz
Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Contact +33 5 59 22 75 40
Correspondant Qualité Tourisme Mr ou Mme ETCHEVERRY Marion
+55 9 22 75 40
Référent Mr ou Mme ETCHEVERRY Marion
+33 5 59 22 75 40
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
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description in French  With its temperate aquariums providing a home for 150 species of fish and invertebrates including sharks, seals and other exceptional collections, the Sea Museum offers a unique chance to explore the Bay of Biscay. For June 2011, the Sea Museum offers you new adventures with new areas to explore. With an exhibition area now twice its original size, the museum invites you to embark on new journeys of discovery. You will leave the basque coast, following the Gulf Stream back to the Caribbean Sea and then the Pacific. You will discover a magnificent living spectacle spread across nearly fifty aquariums, with a Caribbean lagoon, a coral reef and giant tanks housing sharks, rays, barracudas and tropical fish … And don’t miss the show at seal feeding time – everyday at 10.30am and 5pm.

Pictures of the establishment

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