Ecomusée de Saint Nazaire

General information
__Établissement Ecomusée de Saint Nazaire
__Activités Ecomuseum
Address Avenue de Saint-Hubert
44600   Saint-Nazaire
Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire
Contact +33 2 28 54 06 40
Référent M. PAYS Sébastien
+33 2 28 54 06 40
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
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description in French  Nestling between the Loire estuary and the Atlantic Ocean, Saint-Nazaire has experienced exceptional development around its harbour. Through models, objects, movies and historical photographs, the Écomusée explains the rapid growth of Saint-Nazaire, a city which was built twice in the same century. You will follow the unique human adventure of Saint-Nazaire from the prehistoric times to the twenty-first century. Family-friendly workshops are held throughout the year.

Pictures of the establishment

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