General information
__Établissement GROTTE DE CLAMOUSE
__Activités Lieu de visite
Address Route de St Guilhem le Désert
34150   Saint-Jean-de-Fos
Hérault, Occitanie
Contact +33 4 67 57 71 05
Référent M. CASAGRANDE Sandro
+33 4 67 57 71 05
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
__Image de présentation du partenaire Qualité Tourisme Occitanie Sud de France Qualité Tourisme Occitanie Sud de France
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description in French  DREAM AT EVERY STEP! This is what you will do when going back in time, through the gigantic galleries hollowed out by the underground river. An exceptional site, listed as ?Scientific and Picturesque Site? by the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development. Due to the diversity of the concretions observed in Clamouse - fistulous, eccentrics, organ cases, discs, aragonite needles still in formation - it is none other than A UNIQUE SITE! The "Time Cathedral" son et la lumière show will recount the marvellous story of the droplet of water over time. EXCEPTIONAL!

Pictures of the establishment

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