Le Point du Jour

General information
__Établissement Le Point du Jour
__Activités Camping site
Address route de cabourg
14810   Merville-Franceville-Plage
Calvados, Normandie
Website http://www.camping-lepointdujlour.com/
Contact +30 2 31 24 23 34
Référent Mr ou Mme LEMARCHAND Guillaume
+30 2 31 24 23 34
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
  Give your opinion

description in French  Le Point du Jour is a campsite with a heated and covered swimming-pool in Normandy. It is in Northern France, on the Côte Fleurie, at the heart of a preserved natural area, near Cabourg and very close to the “Maison de la Nature” and the bay of Sallenelles. Our direct access to the sea will allow you to make the most of the beach at any time of the day and the animations that we propose in July and August will surely embellish your holidays. Wellness camping for your holidays, kite-surfing, discovering the D-Day beaches, hiking or lazing about on our fine sandy beaches of the Côte Fleurie in Northern France...

Pictures of the establishment

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