Camping Sites et Paysages Touristique de Gien

General information
__Établissement Camping Sites et Paysages Touristique de Gien
__Activités Camping site
Address 1 Rue des Iris
45500   Poilly-lez-Gien
Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire
Contact +33 2 38 67 12 50
Référent M. Chenu Christian
+33 2 38 67 12 50
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
__Image de présentation du partenaire Sites et Paysages Sites et Paysages
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description in French  Welcome to camping of Gien in central region Wherever you come, from North, South, East or West, our strategic geographical location will inevitably take you here ! (Paris : 150 km, Nevers: 90 km, Orléans : 60 km, Bourges : 90km). As regards the Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Italy and France, the departments of North, Normandy, Brittany, Vendee, Aquitaine, the valley of Rhone, the east of France, the Alps or the large South, our location in central France can't be ignored !!! Facing the castle and the town, 10 minutes' walk from the centre, from spring to autumn (beginning of March to mid-November), the tourist campsite of Gien allows you to discover the various aspects of the banks of the Loire according to the seasons and the charming landscapes that will delight you.

Pictures of the establishment

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