Pôle des Etoiles

General information
__Établissement Pôle des Etoiles
__Activités Place of interest
Address Route de Souesmes
18330   Nançay
Cher, Centre-Val de Loire
Website http://www.poledesetoiles.fr/
Contact +33 2 48 51 18 16
Référent Mme Olimpio Anne
+33 2 48 51 18 16
Marques Attribuées Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Mental, Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Moteur
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Mental
Marque Tourisme & Handicap — Picto Moteur
  Give your opinion

description in French  Discover the fascinating world of the sciences of the Universe on more than 250 m² of scenography! Fun and interactive, the exhibition traces the evolution of sky observation techniques and the progress of scientific knowledge about the Universe. Build your visit program and choose from the various activities offered: planetarium session, virtual reality and guided tour of the radio astronomy observatory! Activities for adults and children are organized throughout the year. As a family, as a couple or with friends, your visit will leave you with stars in your eyes!

Pictures of the establishment
__Image de présentation de l'établissement Pôle des Etoiles — th212222_2023-03-13-19-30-07.jpg

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