Château fort-musée Pyrénéen

General information
__Établissement Château fort-musée Pyrénéen
__Activités Lieu de visite
Address 25 rue du fort
65100   Lourdes
Hautes-Pyrénées, Occitanie
Contact +33 5 62 42 37 37
Correspondant Qualité Tourisme Mme BARRERE Marie-Pierre
+33 5 62 42 37 37
Référent Mme BARRERE Marie-Pierre
+33 5 62 42 37 37
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
__Image de présentation du partenaire Qualité Tourisme Occitanie Sud de France Qualité Tourisme Occitanie Sud de France
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description in French  With over a thousand years of history, this great stone vessel, listed as a Historic Monument, invites you on a journey through time.
The Château Fort, whose defensive architecture has been preserved (keep, drawbridge, portcullis and watchtowers), also offers a view over the town, the Sanctuaries and the Pyrenees from its ramparts. Within its walls is a museum that tells the story of Pyrenean history and culture on both the French and Spanish sides.
Enjoy a moment of relaxation in its botanical garden, where you will find sculptures and architectural models.

Pictures of the establishment
__Image de présentation de l'établissement Château fort-musée Pyrénéen — qt21175_2020-08-07-16-14-12.jpg

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