General information
__Établissement THE FLOWERS
__Activités Restaurant
Address 59 rue Victor Hugo
66700   Argelès-sur-Mer
Pyrénées-Orientales, Occitanie
Contact +33 4 68 81 05 79
Correspondant Qualité Tourisme M. CANTELAUBE Laurent
+33 4 68 81 05 79
Référent M. CANTELAUBE Laurent
+33 4 68 81 05 79
Marques Attribuées Marque Qualité Tourisme
Marque Qualité Tourisme
__Image de présentation du partenaire Qualité Tourisme Occitanie Sud de France Qualité Tourisme Occitanie Sud de France

description in French  The FLOWERS is an invitation to travel, not only due to the decor, but also to the dishes on the table. As soon as you come in, your journey stops in Asia, then passes on to North Africa, finishing up on the Islands in our exotic patio. For your choice of meal, you may travel afar or stay somewhat traditional. Our staff shall be delighted to welcome you and to ensure that you depart with excellent memories of your journey in our company. Hence, our address is certainly not to missed when visiting our so beautiful region.

Pictures of the establishment

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